What is Selenium Grid and how it works | What is HUB | What is Node | Software testing interview Question - 1 | Automation testing interview Question
What is Selenium Grid:
In this article, we will discuss Selenium interview questions. This is the first article in this niche, and we will cover the different components of Selenium, what Selenium Grid is and how it works, the advantages and benefits of Selenium Grid, what the HUB is in Selenium Grid, what a Node is in Selenium Grid, and much more.
Selenium Grid:
It is the main component of Selenium. Selenium has four componentsÂ- Selenium webDriver
- Selenium Grid
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium RC
It is used to distribute the Selenium automation tests for execution across
multiple machines having different operating systems having different
browser types having different browser version
Selenium Grid is not for parallel execution. for parallel execution we have TestNG.
Selenium Grid used with TestNG, we can achieve parallel execution of automated tests across multiple machines.
Advantage of Selenium Grid:
With the help of Selenium Grid, Test can be distributed across different
across machines having different OS, different Browsers and different
browser version for execution.
Selenium Grid can be used with TestNG, which can enable the parrallel execution of test across multiple machines, which wil reduce the execution time of the tests without reducing the performance of the machines.
Selenium Grid supports running test cases across different browsers(Chrome, Firefox, safari etc.), and versions, helping ensuring that applications is functioning correctly in various environment.
It support cross-platform testing.
It supports a centralized management system. By using HUB and Node , Selenium Grid centralizes and monitors the test cases and make it easier to control, monitor, and manage the test case from a central machine i.e HUB machine.
With the help of Selenium Grid, we can optimize our resources
What is HUB:
As a part of Selenium Grid configuration, we configure a
single machine as HUB and other remaining machines as nodes.
HUB machines acts as a central point for distributing the Selenium Automated tests to the Node machines.
There can be only one HUB in a Selenium Grid
Automated tests will be available in the HUB machine
Automation tests are triggered for execution from HUB machines but the triggered tests will be executed in different Node machines.
HUB machines acts as a central point for distributing the Selenium Automated tests to the Node machines.
There can be only one HUB in a Selenium Grid
Automated tests will be available in the HUB machine
Automation tests are triggered for execution from HUB machines but the triggered tests will be executed in different Node machines.
What is Node in Selenium Grid:
As a part of Selenium Grid configuration, we configure a single machine
as HUB and other remaining machines as nodes.
The actual execution of Automated tests happen in the Node
Node machines receive the test execution requests from HUB
There can be more than one node machines in the Selenium Grid
Node machines can have different Platforms and Browsers.
Node machine platform can be different from HUB machine.
How Does Selenium Grid Work:Â
- Setup the HUB machine
- Configure the Node machines
- Writing tests
- Submitting tests to the HUBÂ
- Execution of tests on Node Machines
- Returning the result: After the execution, node machines will send the result to the HUB machine. This can include pass or fail status, logs, screenshots taken during the test, etc.Â
I hope this article will be helpful to you. In the upcoming
article, we will discuss more software testing interview
questions, so stay tuned. If you like this, please share it with
your friends.
Rajat Bhatti
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